Meaning of Orderliness
is the art of doing things in a peaceful and orderly manner. It is the
state in which people behave well by doing things in line with the rules
and regulations governing the society. The laws of the society do not
exist for fashion, but they exist for people to obey them. Orderliness
can also be seen as obedience to laws and respect to constituted
an orderly society, people perform their duties as expected. For a
society to progress, people have to be orderly. Orderliness is a
cooperative action, that is, people have to come together with the aim
of progress. In order to have orderliness, a person must begin by having
a schedule lined up. For instance, when an orderly student wakes up in
the morning, he greets his parent, performs his normal/daily morning
duties, jumps into the shower, eats breakfast, grabs his school bag and
off to school. While in school, he makes sure that all the books he will
need for the day are on his desk. He listens to lesson attentively and
does not need anyone to stop him from making noise. He also does his
class and homework well.
Example of Orderliness in Society

i. Driving by the right side of the road,
ii. Using the trafficator before turning left or right,
iv. Having a driving licence,
v. Using a road worthy vehicle,
vi. Avoiding alcohol consumption while driving,
vii. Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol etc.

g. Obedience to Laws: laws
are set of rules that regulate the conducts of all citizens for the
peace and progress of the society. These laws are meant to be obeyed,
and obedience to them shows how much love a person has for his society.
Obedience to societal laws is a civic duty or responsibility. When
citizens perform their responsibilities without being forced to do so,
the society will be orderly.
Ways of Promoting Orderliness
1. Training People Around Us: most
people do not help in the cause of orderliness because of ignorance.
People’s level of awareness is not the same. We also have people who
can do certain things better than others in the society. Such people
need to help those that are less informed through training, information,
support etc. By doing this, the level of orderliness will improve in
the society.

3. Carefulness in Whatever We Do: to
be careful is to pay aatention to what you are doing in order to avoid
doing it wrongly or to hurt yourself or others. If people will be more
careful in performing their duties, there will be orderliness in the
4. Showing Good Example to People: it
is said that leadership is by example. People respond to issues if
those regarded as leaders or more privilege show good example.If
these people can join queues in public places, obey traffic rules
etc.,ordinary citizens will show greater commitment to these rules, and
this will promote orderliness in the society.
Benefits/Importance of Orderliness
A. Promotion of Justice and Selflessness: orderliness
helps us to be fair to people ant to consider others before self. By so
doing, justice and selflessness is promoted.
B. Reduction of Tension in the Society: orderliness
reduces tension in the society. This is because people live in
obedience to laws of the society, as a result, there is little or no
crime. In an orderly society, people live freely without fear.
C. Promotion of Good Health: orderliness
also promote good health to members of a society. This is because,
reduction in tension brings a lot of relief to people. Since it is
medically believed that tension is a major cause of deadly sicknesses
like stroke, hypertension,cardiac arrest, brain disorder etc., a society
whose members are freed from these illness caused by tension is a
healthy society.
D. Good Image: orderliness
bestows a good image on a society. Such a society is a well respected
and popular one and its members are portrayed in a good light by members
of other societies.
E. Prosperity: an
orderly society is a prosperous society. No society prospers without
obedience to its laws by its members, and this is a major feature of
F. Reduction in Crime: crimes
like armed robbery, assassinations, prostitution, kidnapping, fraud
etc., are reduced to the bearest minimum as a result of orderliness in
the society due to obedience to laws of the society, justice and
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