Monday, 23 March 2020


Political participation is the involvement of the citizens of a country in the formulation and implementation of policies for their governance, and their participation in the choice of their leader. It can also be seen as a process of voluntary involvement of the people in the political activities of their country. It has to be seen as the process of voluntary involvement of the people in the political activities of their country.  This can be achieved when citizens take part in choosing their leaders and involving in decision-making in the government of their country.

Forms of Political Participation
a.     Belonging to a political party:  political parties are platforms that enable members to take active part in political activities through electioneering campaigns, political rallies and other forms of political meetings.
b.    Sponsoring of political parties:  some wealthy individuals participate in politics by sponsoring the ideas, programs and objectives of candidates and political parties of their choice.
c.     Contesting Election:  qualified participants may decide to stand as candidates seeking election into public offices.
d.    Analysing Political Issues:  some people participate in politics by discussing and analysing major political events in society either through the media or non-formal ways.
e.     Membership of   Pressure Groups: individuals can also form pressure groups to influence political events.
f.      Dissemination of Propaganda:  people also participate in politics by spreading party information and policy objectives to influence the electorate to vote for their candidate during elections.
g.     Protest, Criticism and Petitions: some people are involved in politics by criticizing candidates for elections or writing petition against politicians and government officials etc.
Reasons for Political Participation
1.    To take part in Decision-making:  some people participate in politics because they want to take part in decision-making in their country.
2.    To Correct the Mistakes of those in Power:  some people desire participation in politics in order to correct errors of those in powers.
3.    For Equitable Distribution of Resources: if the resources of a country are not equally distributed, People do join politics to equitably distribute such resources.
4.    Desire for Friendship:  some people participate in politics because they viewed it as an avenue to make friends, to foster bonds of friendship and love among people of like Minds.
5.    For material gains:  some people take part in political activities because of the desire to acquire economic and material gains (wealth).
6.    For self-actualization:  people who have achieved a lot in other fields of human endeavour do seek participation in politics as self-fulfillment.

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